Our Program
Since 2004, the UWA Fogarty Foundation Scholarship Program has educated 198 motivated and inspired young individuals. It is one of Australia’s premier scholarship programs.
The UWA Fogarty Scholarship program is a joint investment between the Fogarty Foundation and University of Western Australia, to award WA’s brightest and most committed students scholarships for the entirety of their university degree.
The program is one of Australia’s best, working with local and international leaders and partners to provide scholars and alumni with comprehensive academic scholarships, enrichment opportunities, leadership development and strong networks.
Each year, 10 new scholarships are awarded to WA’s brightest and most committed students. There is also a UWA Fogarty Beazley Medallist Scholarship. Scholars are selected on their academic excellence and outstanding achievements in leadership, community, involvement, enterprise, the arts or sport.
Scholars receive $10,000 per annum for the duration of their degrees. In being awarded a UWA Fogarty Scholarship, students are eligible for accommodation at one of UWA’s premier Colleges. Scholars who choose to continue their postgraduate study at UWA are supported with $10,000 per annum
The Scholars participate in a tailored leadership program, academic mentoring, leadership opportunities, support for their initiatives and are part of the Scholars & Alumni network.
Being awarded the Fogarty Scholarship afforded me leadership development opportunities and exposure to international experts that have empowered me to become a leader in my community. Beyond relieving financial constraints, the scholarship placed me in a cohort of outstanding peers and alumni that have motivated me to drive impact in pursuing the fields I am passionate about.
The Fogarty family including the Fogarty Foundation recently announced a Scholars Enterprise Investment Program of $15m available to UWA Fogarty Scholars’ income generating ventures. The investment capital over the foreseeable future to next-generation, technology focused enterprises. Over time the Fogarty’s will partner and co-invest with leading industry and venture capital firms across Australia, which will not only provide capital, but additional expertise to create successful economic enterprises.
Co-investing with independent, established firms, will support the UWA Fogarty Scholars and build their networks, while enhancing support for the next generation of WA enterprise’s.
The first investment was made to back Dave Sherwood, UWA Fogarty Alumni, co-founder and Chair of Teach Learn Grow, co-founder of BibliU and 2019 Forbes 30Under30 Social Entrepreneurs.
Since 2004, the scholarships have educated and supported 198 young people who support and inspire each other. Through these scholarships the Foundation is investing in exceptional young people who use their skills, abilities and commitment to lead real change in our community, state and nation.