Become a Scholar
Young people selected as UWA Fogarty Scholars possess the qualities to lead our community into the future
Each year up to 15 new UWA Fogarty Scholarships are awarded to WA’s brightest and most engaged high school graduates. Scholarships are awarded on 3 criteria:
- Academic achievement to date
- Demonstrated excellence in at least three areas of arts, community service, leadership, sports and enterprise
- Demonstration of the competencies of a UWA Fogarty Scholar – Vision, Resilience, Integrity, Self-reflection, Adaptability, Emotional intelligence, Breadth and depth of knowledge and initiative, Resilience
To be eligible to apply, students must reasonably expect to achieve an ATAR of 98. Students attending Broadway UWA identified schools must reasonably expect to achieve an ATAR of 95.
Being a Fogarty Scholar fundamentally changed my experience at uni and I have no doubt it has changed my whole life.
Applications will be assessed through an initial online application that includes:
- Evidence of Achievements & Activities: A demonstration of a student’s achievement and activities in Year 11 and Year 12 in relation to sports, arts, community involvement, leadership, and academic achievements (in at least 3 out of the 5 categories, including documentary evidence).
- Principal Endorsement: A signed School Principal Endorsement Form from the student’s school principal verifying the student’s predicted ATAR.
- Enterprise (optional): The option to include a short description of an activity or initiative they have developed that demonstrates enterprising aptitude.
- Achievement Relative to Opportunity (optional): The option to include a demography profile and short description of a significant hardship that has impacted daily life and the motivation and hard work shown by the student in overcoming this hardship.
Students shortlisted from the online application assessment will be invited for an interview.